How to Make Compost - Vegan Fertilizer: The Guide to Vegan Compost

It is quite possible to prepare plant-based and vegan fertilizer for organic gardening. Here's a simple plant-based vegan fertilizer recipe:

1. Plant waste (vegetable and fruit peels, leaves, grass cuttings, etc.)
2. Water
3. A large bucket or compost bin

1. Collect Plant Waste:Collect the vegetable and fruit peels, tea bags, coffee grounds and plant waste you collect from the garden that you use in the kitchen. You can also add seed herbs, grass clippings and other plant debris.

2. Building in a Bucket:Place plant waste in a large bucket or compost bin. Stir occasionally to mix the waste.

3. Add Water:Add enough water to cover the plant waste. This is important for plants to decompose and nutrients to pass into the water.

4. Fermentation Process:Leave the mixture to ferment for several weeks. During this process, the mixture will ferment and natural fertilizer will form.

5. Filter the Mixture:After the fermentation period is over, filter the mixture and separate the liquid part. This liquid will be a rich liquid fertilizer for your plants.

6. Usage:Mix the liquid fertilizer you have obtained with your irrigation water and give it to your plants. You can use this fertilizer once a week or as needed.

This simple homemade vegan fertilizer offers a natural, organic approach to nourishing your plants. You can also create a fertilizer that suits your needs by adding different plant waste to this recipe and playing around with the process.

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