Chinese Mountain Cat - Felis Bieti: Facts and Information

Felis bieti, commonly known as the Chinese mountain cat, is a species of wild cat native to certain parts of Asia. They generally live in the high-altitude mountainous regions of Central and Eastern Asia, especially China. Physically, they have a large, muscular body, short legs, a short tail, and an outer coat covered in grey-brown hair.
Chinese mountain cats are predators that usually wander alone, hunt at night, and are fast and agile to catch their prey. They usually obtain their food from small animals such as birds, rodents and small mammals. Most of its natural habitats are forests, bushes and mountainous regions.
However, populations of Chinese mountain cats are in danger due to factors such as changes in their habitats, hunting pressure and habitat loss. Efforts are being made to ensure the survival of this species by supporting it with conservation efforts and habitat protection projects.

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