Orange-breasted Waxbill - Amandava Subflava: Facts and Information

The orange-breasted waxbill (Amandava subflava) is a small, colorful and eye-catching bird species belonging to the Estrildidae family. This species is endemic to parts of Africa and is often found in habitats such as woodlands, savannas and grasslands.
The head and throat of the male Orange-breasted waxbill are bright orange, and this color appears paler and duller in females. The upper feathers are generally dark brown, and the chest area is orange-brown. The abdominal area is white, almost yellow.
The nutrition of this species is usually provided by seeds. In the wild, they also feed on various seeds and sometimes small insects. They build their nests in tree holes, bushes or other suitable places.
The orange-breasted waxbill is a popular breed in the pet bird hobby. Their colorful feathers and elegant appearance make them attractive to those who are considering adopting a bird. Appropriate living space, nutrition and social environment should be provided for domestic birds. Providing appropriate conditions for the care of this breed ensures that they become a healthy and happy pet bird.

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