Jungle Cat - Felis Chaus: Facts and Information

The jungle cat (Felis chaus) is widely distributed in various parts of Asia. This species has a wide geographical distribution, from the Middle East to India and Southeast Asia. It has also been observed in Sri Lanka. The fact that it functions as a bridge is important for the breadth of its geographical spread.
Felis chaus, which is generally medium in size, has a long and slender body structure. Their proportionately long legs allow them to move quickly and agilely. It has large ears, good hearing and a long tail. Its fur is brownish yellow and there may be black spots or stripes on the body. These patterns aid in the species' camouflage and hunting skills.
Felis chaus frequently lives near water edges and wetlands. One of the reasons he lives near water is because of his fishing skills. This species is known for its hunting abilities and feeds on small animals. Having high reflexes is an important factor in hunting success.
However, the population of Felis chaus is declining due to threats such as habitat loss and human impact. Agricultural activities and urbanization have narrowed the natural habitats and threatened the survival of this species. Therefore, measures such as protection of natural habitats, hunting regulations and awareness studies are vital for the protection of this species.

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