Sand Cat - Felis Margarita: Facts and Information

The sand cat (Felis margarita) is a small wild cat species that lives in deserts from the Middle East and Southwest Asia, and is especially common in areas with large sand dunes such as the Sahara Desert. They attract attention with their slim and well-proportioned bodies, long tails and large ears. They get their name from their sand-coloured fur and the specific conditions of the deserts where they live.
They generally have feathers ranging in color from yellowish-brown to pale grey. This color harmony gives them an advantage when hunting and provides excellent camouflage in their natural habitat. Desert sand cats are known as nocturnal hunters and often feed on rodents, birds, insects and other small animals.
This species is adapted to living in desert and semi-desert regions and is highly capable of coping with harsh environmental conditions. They are resistant to difficulties such as extreme heat, thirst and food shortage. However, threats such as human activities, habitat loss and poaching endanger the survival of sand cats.
It is of great importance to protect sand cats, manage their habitat sustainably and prevent poaching. Thanks to awareness-raising efforts and conservation projects, the population of this rare and valuable wild cat species should be increased and its long-term survival should be ensured.

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