Poecilia Gillii: Facts and Information

Poecilia gillii is a species native to Central America. This species can live in both moving and stagnant waters and can be found in freshwater and brackish water habitats. There are differences in color, size and morphology among their populations.
The distribution of this species extends over a wide geography, from Guatemala to Colombia and Costa Rica's Térraba River. It is one of the most common freshwater fish species in Costa Rica. It is spread from the Grande River to the Bayano River in Panama.
Poecilia gillii is found in a variety of habitats, including estuaries, swamps, streams and shallow waters of large rivers. Individuals living in brackish water can often reach larger sizes, growing up to 105 mm. The temperatures of these habitats vary between 19 and 37 °C.

This species is a harmful and herbivorous species. As a livebearing animal, females breed continuously throughout the year, with cubs usually emerging in August. This information provides important information about the biology and habitats of Poecilia gillii.

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